Absolutely everyone should know how the human papilloma virus is transmitted. More than half of the world's population is already a carrier of the papilloma virus. HPV is a special microorganism that can multiply in epithelial cells and prevent their division. It is more often activated in the body in women. Are people carriers of the virus and what are the ways it is transmitted? Only if you have complete information about the ways of transmitting the virus, you can warn yourself and your loved ones of the infection. The main source of infection is the carrier of the HPV virus.

Transfer Methods
Among the mechanisms under the influence of which you can become infected are:
- contact;
- vertically (from mother to child during childbirth).
The implementation of the contact mechanism is done sexually and through contact at home. Thus, HPV can be transmitted through:
- handshake and kiss;
- use of other people's hygiene products, which include a razor, cloth, soap, towel and cosmetics;
- wearing clothing that belongs to the carrier of the infection;
- visiting public baths, saunas and swimming pools.
Oncogenic types of viruses are sexually transmitted. The risk of infection is multiplied by those who are promiscuous in partners. The more often they change, the higher the probability of infection, and even using a condom, you cannot be sure of your safety.

You can also become infected with homosexual relationships, because they are characterized by injuries to the epithelium and mucous membranes. And a condom in this case also does not help. The presence of warts on the body of a sexual partner also signals the possibility of getting HPV through microtrauma on the body.
Pregnant women who are carriers of HPV should be aware of the possibility of infecting the child during its passage through the birth canal.
Infection is carried out only in the presence of characteristic growths in the genital area and cervix. At the same time, papilloma virus infection in a child manifests itself in the form of growths in the larynx, which are of particular danger. It will be difficult for the baby to breathe and eat, maybe even to suffocate.
Conditions suitable for infection
Contact with an HPV carrier does not necessarily mean infection. Only if there are lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, the papilloma virus can enter the body. Consequently, HPV is much easier to become infected if the skin has:
- wounds;
- scratches;
- abrasions;
- cracks;
- abrasions;
- combing.
During sexual intercourse, it should be borne in mind that various types of skin injuries can occur on the tissues near the genitals. Infection can also occur when using a condom.

The mucosa becomes unprotected from infection with a depressed immune system. The appearance of papillomas and warts in the genital area is often caused by the presence of other infections in the body. If such growths are found, treatment should be carried out not only by the HPV carrier, but also by his partner.
Violation of the microflora of the vagina in women, and even the intestines in both sexes, can also lead to a decrease in immunity, and thus the papilloma virus enters the body more easily.
HPV activation
Even if the papilloma virus infection is already present in the body, you may not notice any of its manifestations. It is not necessary for growths to appear on the body at all. The papilloma virus often occurs in a latent stage and is completely asymptomatic.
HPV can be compared to the herpes virus, which is also present in the body of the majority of the population, but the characteristic symptoms on the body are far from always indicating its presence. With a strong immune system, the papilloma virus may not multiply.
Only under favorable conditions for the development of HPV infection begins to intensify. There is active virion reproduction in cell nuclei, leading to disturbances in cell reproduction. Using human cells, the papilloma virus creates copies of itself. As a result, uncontrolled cell reproduction and the appearance of neoplasms on the body.
Conditions that cause virus activation:
- exacerbation of any disease that may be called chronic;
- recent infectious diseases;
- the presence of an intestinal infection;
- congenital immunodeficiency;
- non-compliance with diet and nutrition;
- work in production that belongs to the category of harmful;
- frequent stressful situations.
Activation of the virus can be caused by various factors that to a greater or lesser extent affect the state of the immune system. Only with depressed immunity do neoplasms appear on the body.
Prevention measures
There are a number of preventive measures, due to which infection with human papilloma virus is very likely not to enter the body.
- all skin lesions should be treated with antiseptics;
- use only personal hygiene products;
- rubber slippers should be used in public saunas, bathrooms and swimming pools;
- every disease must be treated in time;
- loyalty to a trusted sexual partner;
- use a condom for every sexual intercourse. Although this does not guarantee safety, nevertheless, through condoms, the papilloma virus is less likely to enter the body of both women and men;
- regular exercise;
- hardening of the organism;
- adherence to sleep and diet.
Such precautions should be taken not only to avoid HPV infection but also other sexually transmitted infections. A condom is a guarantee against infection with many diseases that cause the activation of the HPV virus.

In case of the presence of the virus in the body of a pregnant woman and its manifestations in the genital area, it is necessary to completely examine and remove such neoplasms. If there are papillomas on the genitals, a caesarean section is recommended for women in order to prevent infection of the child during the passage through the birth canal.
There is a special vaccine against highly oncogenic strains of the virus, which is recommended primarily for women under the age of 26 and adolescents. Even if the HPV carrier is vaccinated, his immunity is significantly improved and the virus goes into an inactive phase.
At the same time, it must be taken into account that the virus does not disappear from the body, and that, accordingly, the person remains a carrier of the infection. For safety reasons, he must use a condom during intercourse and use only personal hygiene products.
More prone to such manifestations of HPV as growths on a woman's body. Their immune system is much weaker and does not resist the virus well. But at the same time, there is no reason to believe that a man does not have to worry about the presence of the virus. It also poses a threat because it is a source of infection.
Neoplasms on the body cannot be removed on their own. All operations must be performed only under the supervision of the attending physician.
Infection can be avoided. It is enough to follow personal hygiene, use a condom during sexual intercourse, carefully follow your own skin and pay attention to the presence of growths on the body of those closest to you.